Hi There!
My name is
Shaquanna Chappelle
I have helped dozens of women break out of their comfort zone, identify their unique style, and create confident and bold looks.
After working together, my clients gain an extra boost of confidence when climbing the corporate ladder, negotiating deals, and securing speaking engagements for high profile conferences

High-achieving women work with me for three specific reasons:
To understand how to dress for their body type
because they are unclear on which styles of clothing will flatter and accentuate them the best.
To know how to easily put together a stylish and polished look
because they're often overwhelmed with their wardrobe and they just want to feel confident
when they walk out the door, every single time.
To finally identify their style once and for all
so they can shop the SMART way instead of purchasing things they "THINK" they need
with no style intent behind it.

We should work together if:
You are an ambitious, professional woman who frequently struggles with what to wear.
You want to effortlessly look and feel your best regardless if you’re going to a board meeting, a salary negotiation, or speaking on a stage.
It takes a lot of mental energy for you to figure out what you should be wearing.
You’re ready to make the investment in your wardrobe so you can show up in bold ways, both professionally and personally.

I was struggling with the confidence to open my closet and know what to put together. When shopping I was easily overwhelmed with so many options and would end up buying clothing that didn't match anything in my closet so the extra clothes would pile up, and I would once again feel unmotivated to dress cute.
Now I understand my own body and what looks good to me. I easily get dressed with complete confidence!
- India


Before working with Shaquanna